Liberty Dollar FAQs
Liberty Dollar FAQIs The Liberty Dollar legal? Money FAQWhat is the intrinsic value of a given Federal Reserve Note? NORFED FAQWhy should the Federal Reserve Act be repealed? Silver Over $10 Per OunceWhen the price of silver rises near $10 per ounce, a new $20 Warehouse Receipt series will be issued. All new Certificates will be identified with "$20 Silver Base". The new $20 denomination certificate will be backed by one ounce of .999 silver, and the new $10 certificate will be backed by half ounce, $5 by quartrer ounce and the $1 by one twentieth ounce of silver. Move Up to $20The point at which the Liberty Dollar would Move Up Point to the $20 Silver Baswe was specifically designed to be difficult to attain, because the silver market is a study in volatility. One of the main problems encountered in designing the market driven Liberty Dollar was how to accommodate for silver's free-market behavior. Why Pay Twice for Silver?You're Not! The Liberty Dollar is NOT an investment. It is a currency. If your goal is to buy silver then you should buy silver bullion. Silver is a wonderful, valuable metal. But it is heavy and its fluctuating price makes it difficult to use in daily transactions. Sure you might know that silver is $5.17/ounce on a given day, but does the other person know that and is he/she agreeable to the price? Is that the price that you want for it? Is that what you paid for it? |